W/ARW. Archives for Research on Women
Found in 79 Collections and/or Records:
Activist Women Oral History Project
Alice C. Young papers
Alice C. Young has been involved in various community groups and causes. One of her lifetime commitments has been improving the conditions of women both on and off campus. Correspondence, minutes, agendas, reports, printed materials, photographs and artifacts make up the papers of Alice C. Young.
Altrusa International, Atlanta Club records
The records of the Altrusa International, Atlanta Club, 1938-2001, describe through administrative papers, correspondence, scrapbooks, articles and photographs how the women's service organization provided community service within District III and with Altrusa clubs internationally as a whole.
American Association of University Women, Atlanta Branch records
The American Association of University Women (AAUW) promotes education and equity for all women and girls, lifelong learning, and positive societal change. This collection consists of the history, office files, conference materials, meeting information, and outreach programs related to the Atlanta branch of the American Association of University Women, 1939-2013.
American Association of University Women, Southeastern Region records
Established in 1881, the American Association of University Women (AAUW) has been one of the nation's leading voices in promoting education and equity for all women and girls, lifelong education, and positive societal change. The collection consists of office files, conference and meeting information, state branch office files, and outreach information related to the Southeast Region of the American Association of University Women.
Anne L. Harper papers
Anne L. Harper is a civic leader in Atlanta, using her expertise as an educator and a business consultant to further the cause of girls' participation in athletics. The Anne L. Harper papers consist of files relating to her effort to draft a state bill and launch activities to further enforce the federal Title IX law.
Anne Tilden artifact collection
Anne Tilden was a staff member in the Georgia State University Library's Special Collections and Archives. The Anne Tilden Artifact Collection is comprised of two (2) National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) buttons.
Armenia Williams papers
Armenia Williams (1940-) was chief of nursing at the Atlanta Southside Office of Economic Opportunity Center, where she implemented Georgia's first Nurse Practitioner program. From 1973, she was on the faculty of Georgia State University's School of Nursing. Her papers comprise course materials, detailed case studies for proper nursing care for various ailments, ephemeral medical advertisements, and medical pamphlets.
Atlanta Feminist Women's Chorus records
The Atlanta Feminist Women's Chorus (AFWC) was an all-woman singing group that performed in Atlanta, the Southeast and the United States from 1981-2009. The AFWC records document the formation and life of this unique southern musical group as well as its interaction with the rest of Atlanta and the LGBT community. Its records include office files, photographs, audio and video recordings, textiles, and artifacts.
Atlanta Women's Foundation records
The Atlanta Women's Foundation (AWF) raises, manages, and distributes funds to programs that serve women and girls in the metropolitan Atlanta area. Correspondence, minutes and agendas, printed material, writings and creative works, financial documents, legal documents, and photographs make up the records of the AWF.
Beth Farokhi papers
Beth Farokhi worked as an administrator in the College of Education at Georgia State University (GSU). She was a member of and held multiple elected positions within the American Association of University Women (AAUW). Farokhi was one of the co-principal investigators for Integrating Gender Equity and Reform (InGEAR) in higher education, a grant-funded initiative. Her papers, 1937, 1976-2007, document her GSU career, AAUW service, and the development and funding of InGEAR.
Beth Judy collection of Girl Vigilantes records
The Girl Vigilantes were an anonymous group of political activists in Atlanta, Georgia, who used images and action to draw attention to reproductive rights and other social issues.
Betsy Rivard papers
Caroline (Betsy) Rivard is a political activist working on environment issues pertaining to nuclear materials. Her papers, 1990-2006, consist of articles, meeting agendas and notes, and printed materials reflecting Rivard's service as a board member of Women's Action for New Directions (WAND) and Women Legislators' Lobby (WiLL).
Carolyn Newton Curry research collection
Charlee C. Lambert papers
Charlee Lambert was recognized as a leader in her career as a playwright, director and advocate for the elderly. Her papers contain plays, short stories, manuals, news clippings and audio visual material (1955-2013) documenting the production of her plays locally and nationally.
Charlene S. Hurt Poster collection
The Charlene Hurt Poster Collection is comprised of one (1) "Kathy Wilson: NWPC Chair" signed poster.
Chris Carroll papers
Chris Carroll is a real estate broker and women's policy activist in Atlanta, Georgia, who served as a board member for the Women's Policy Group, 1992-2011. Her papers consist of correspondence, handwritten notes, meeting agendas and minutes, reports and other printed material, and financial records, primarily documenting the Women's Policy Group.
Christopher Paton artifact collection
Former GSU Popular Music Archivist Chris Paton donated this collection that consists of two (2) Tab drinking glasses.
Committee on Women, Population, and the Environment Depo Diaries records
Deborah J. Richardson papers
Deborah J. Richardson has served as a manager and executive for a number of nonprofit organizations. Richardson's papers include newsletters, articles, speeches, and programs related to her career and organizations that she served, including the National Black Arts Festival and the Juvenile Justice Fund.