Sam Collier papers
Not requestable
Scope and Contents of the Papers
The Sam Collier papers, 1985-2008, consist primarily of correspondence, membership records, surveys and reports, meeting and agendas, grants and funding proposals, newspaper articles, and audiovisual material. Correspondence is located throughout the collection, a majority between Sam Collier, chapter staff members, political candidates running for office, and members of affiliated organizations. The collection contains an assortment of reference files, including news clippings, reports, factsheets, pamphlets, legislative documents, booklets, brochures, and organization resources related to protecting the environment.
- Creation: 1985-2008
- Collier, Sam (Samuel Eric) (Person)
Restrictions on Access
Collection is open for research use.
Terms Governing Use and Reproduction
Georgia State University is the owner of the physical collection and makes reproductions available for research, subject to the copyright law of the United States and item condition. Georgia State University may or may not own the rights to materials in the collection. It is the researcher's responsibility to verify copyright ownership and obtain permission from the copyright holder before publication, reproduction, or display of the materials beyond what is reasonable under copyright law. Researchers may quote selections from the collection under the fair use provision of copyright law.
Biography of Sam Collier
Environmental attorney and consultant Sam Collier earned his J.D. at the University of Georgia School of Law (1982) and holds a B.S. in Physics and Mathematics from East Carolina University. He served as the Southeast region representative for the Sierra Club, 1992-1999, and founding Executive Director of Georgia Conservation Voters, 2000-2002. Southern Conservation Voters was a lobbying group that aimed to elect leaders with progressive environmental values and hold them accountable for implementing policies that would protect the environment. He also helped organize the Southern Environmental Assembly '88, held in Atlanta. While with the Sierra Club, winning the long fight to prevent titanium strip mining near the Okefenokee Swamp by DuPont Corporation was one of Collier’s greatest achievements. DuPont had acquired 16,000 acres of land in preparation for strip mining, which the Sierra Club and others argued would threaten the hydrogeology of the swamp and its ecosystem. At the 1998 DuPont shareholders' meeting, the decision not to mine was made.
16.25 Linear Feet (in 13 boxes)
Language of Materials
Sam Collier was a key member of the Sierra Club in the Southeast, working to protect the environment. The Sam Collier papers, 1985-2008, contain correspondence, reports and surveys, meetings and agendas, grant and funding proposals, and newspaper articles about environmental issues.
Acquisition Information
Donated by Sam Collier, December 31, 2014.
List of Separated Material
Separated to the Special Collections Book Collection
- Acid Rain and Transported Air Pollutants: Implications for Public Policy. Washington, D.C: Congress of the U.S., Office of Technology Assessment, 1984.
- Acid Rain: Solving the Crisis. San Francisco, Calif: Sierra Club, 1986.
- Acid Rain Clouds Over the Midwest: Science and Solutions: Proceedings. Washington, D.C: National Clean Air Fund, 1986.
- Beaudry, Janet, and Tim Murphy. The Big Top 80: Acid Rain Controls and the Top 80 Sulfur Emitting Power Plants. Versailles, Ky: The Program, 1985.
- Chasis, Sarah. Upstream Solutions to Downstream Pollution: A Citizen Guide to Protecting Seacoasts and Great Lakes by Cleaning Up Polluted Runoff, 1993.
- Clipp, Amy, The Environment: 1992 Louisiana Legislative Briefing Book. Batton Rouge, La. : M-W Associate: Louisiana Environmental Action Network, 1992.
- Cenozoic Society, The Wildlands Project: Plotting a North American Wilderness Recovery Strategy. Canton, NY, 1992.
- Elsom, Derek. Atmospheric Pollution: A Global Problem. Blackwell Publishers, 1992.
- Encyclopedia of Southern Life & Change. Durham, NC: Institute for Southern Studies, 1983.
- Environment and Development in the Usa: A Grassroots Report for Unced. New Market, TN: The Center, 1992.
- Environmental Law and Alternative Dispute Resolution: Program Materials 1994. Athens, Ga: Institute of Continuing Legal Education in Georgia, 1994.
- Environmental Protection Division State of Georgia. Water Conservation: A Guide for Georgia, [Atlanta, GA] The Division, 1992.
- Foss, Phillip O., Politics and Ecology, Belmont, Calif., Duxbury Press, 1972.
- Fowler, Laurie. A Georgia Guide to Environmental Protection at the Local Level, Sautee-Nacoochee Community Association, 1992.
- Fresh Air: Innovative State and Local Programs for Improving Air Quality. Washington, D.C. (1616 P St., N.W., Washington, D.C.: The Institute, 1997.
- Georgia Environmental Protection Division, Water Conservation: A Guide for Georgia. 1992.
- Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission, Planning Considerations for Animal Waste Systems For Protecting Water Quality in Georgia, September 1994.
- Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission. Georgia Guide to Controlling Erosion With Vegitation: Establishing and Maintaining Vegitation on Erosive Sites, September 1994.
- Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission. Guidelines for Streambank Restoration, September 1994.
- Georgia State Soil and Water Conservation Commission. Georgia's Land: Its Use and Condition, 1995
- Hansen, Paul W. Air Pollution: The Invisible Thief of American Agriculture. Minneapolis, Minn: Izaak Walton League of America, 1990.
- The Keystone Dialogue on Incentives for Private Landowners to Protect Endangered Species. Final Report. Keystone, Colorodo, 1995.
- Keystone, Final Consensus Report on the Keystone Policy Dialogue on Biological Diversity on Federal Lands. Keystone, Colo: Keystone Center, 1991.
- The Keystone National Policy Dialogue on Ecosystem Management: Final Report. Keystone, Colo: Keystone Center, 1996.
- Kloepfer, Deanne and Susan Marsh. Keeping it Wild: A Citizen Guide to wilderness Management, Willderness Society in Cooperation with the USDA Forest Service, Washington, D.C. 1992.
- Mackenzie, James J. and Mohamed T. El-Ashry. Air Pollution's Toll on Forests and Crops, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1989.
- Makinson, Larry. Follow the Money Handbook, Center for Responsive Politics, 1994.
- Megalli, Mark and Andy Friedman. Masks of Deception: Corporate front groups in America, Essential Information, 1991.
- Merrow, Susan, and Patrick Carr. The Sierra Club: A Guide. San Francisco, Calif: Sierra Club, 1989.
- Pollock, Cynthia. Mining Urban Wastes: The Potential for Recycling, Worldwatch Institute, 1987.
- Regenstein, Lewis. America the Poisoned: How Deadly Chemicals Are Destroying Our Environment, Our Wildlife, Ourselves and--How We Can Survive!, Acropolis Books, Washington D.C., 1982.
- Regional Water Supply Plan. Brooksville, Fla.: Southwest Florida Water Management District, 2001.
- Robinson, Ann Y, and Robbin Marks. Restoring the Big River: A Clean Water Act Blueprint for the Mississippi. Minneapolis, MN: Midwest Office, Izaak Walton League of America, 1994.
- Roth, P M. The American West's Acid Rain Test. Washington, DC: World Resources Institute, 1985.
- Sustainable America: A New Consensus for Prosperity, Opportunity, and a Healthy Environment for the Future. Washington, DC 730 Jackson Pl., NW, Washington 20503: President's Council on Sustainable Development, 1996.
- Toxic Wastes and Race in the United States: A National Report on the Racial and Socio-Economic Characteristics of Communities with Hazardous Waste Sites. New York, N.Y: Public Data Access, 1987.
- Wilderness Society, Reaching the Summit: How the New Women in Congress Could Advance an Environmental Agenda,Washington D.C., 1992.
- Zimmerman, Kathleen C, and David Abelson. Takings Law: A Guide to Government, Property, and the Constitution. Boulder, Colo: Land and Water Fund of the Rockies, 1993.
Processing Information
Processed by Thai Nguyen at the file level, July 2015.
- Sierra Club (Organization)
- E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company (Organization)
- Georgia Conservation Voters (Organization)
- Title
- Sam Collier:
- Subtitle
- A Guide to His Papers at Georgia State University Library
- Status
- Completed
- Author
- Thai Nguyen
- Date
- July 2015
- Description rules
- Describing Archives: A Content Standard
- Language of description
- English
- Script of description
- Latin
Repository Details
Part of the Special Collections Repository
100 Decatur St., S.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
404-413-2881 (Fax)